Flutterby Creations
45th finger
45th finger
Get ready to give the ultimate finger with the 45th finger! This unique product features Trump's iconic flip off gesture, making it perfect for any playful and humorous occasion. So go ahead and start flipping those birds like the POTUS himself (but, you know, in a fun and non-serious way).
Common Questions
How long does a freshies last
Freshies typically last 3 to 6 weeks since they are activated by heat. If you detect a slight scent, try placing them under a heater.
Will my freshie melt?
Freshies can melt if not properly cared for. When using a sunshade, avoid placing it between the sunshade and windshield. For added precaution, you can move the freshie to the steering wheel when parked. Avoid placing it on the dash or any other surface, as it may cause staining or melting.